John Griffith Chaney, melio cognoscite per su pseudonymo Jack London (San Francisco, California le 12 de januario 1876 - Glen Ellen, California le 22 de novembre 1916), esseva un autor e activista social statounitese, cuje obra include le romances The Call of the Wild e White Fang.

Jack London
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1876-01-12 (San Francisco)
Decesso 1916-11-22 (Glen Ellen)
Causa de decesso poisoning[*], uremia[*], drug overdose[*]
Loco de reposo Jack London State Historic Park[*]
Citatania Statos Unite de America
Educate in University of California, Berkeley[*], Oakland High School[*]
Occupation scriptor, jornalista[*], romancero[*], war correspondent[*], essayista[*], autobiographo[*], scenarista[*], scriptor de scientia-fiction[*], children's writer[*], travel writer[*], prose writer[*], poeta[*], diarista[*]
Obras notabile The Call of the Wild[*], The People of the Abyss[*], The Sea-Wolf[*], White Fang[*], The Roads[*], To Build a Fire[*], Martin Eden[*], The Valley of the Moon[*], The Star Rover[*], The Road[*]
Partito politic Left Party (France)[*]
Religion atheismo
Conjuge Charmian London[*], Bessie Maddern London[*]
Infantes Joan London[*], Becky London[*]
Parentes matre Flora London[*] patre William Henry Chaney[*]
Lingua anglese
ISNI 0000000121309371, 0000000368641210
VIAF 46764200, 1878155566455313380007
IMDB nm0518711
Commons Jack London