Paradise Now (Paradiso Nunc) es un production theatral de 1968 per The Living Theatre, dirigite per Julian Beck e Judith Malina, un ludo experimental interactive inspirate per le anarchismo e pacifismo del truppa. Durante le production le actores incoragiava le audientia a fumar marijuana e disvestir. Al fin le audientia (includente multe gente nude) e le actores iva al strata in un manifestation political-theatral que frequentemente concludeva con alcun participantes arrestate per le policia local. [1][2][3]

Paradise Now in Avignon, 1968
Paradise Now
instantia de: theatrical production[*]

Commons: Paradise Now (The Living Theatre)

Referentias modificar

  3. Beyond the Boundaries: American Alternative Theatre by Theodore Shank (University of Michigan Press, 2002), p.25