Discussion:Fide Bahá'í
Un aspecto central que es omittite in le articulo es le facto que le Bahā’ismo aspira un objectivo theocratic (theocratia) e un Stato universal religiose que funda super le leges de Bahá’u’lláh (etiam: Bahā Allāh), deponite in su "Libro Sanctissime" (arab. Kitáb-i-Aqdas). – Le objectivo politic e theocratic, culminante in un futur Stato Universal del Bahā’ismo (dirigite e governate per le infallibile Casa Universal de Justitia que ha su sede in Haifa, Israel), es generalmente subjecte al taciturnitate o es mentionate solmente in messages cifrate, de maniera que non forma parte del discussion public e resta per lo tanto ignognite mesmo pro le major parte del fideles. – A sequente un texto exclarante le factos:
- »While it is often down-played by Baha’is, the fact is that the ultimate goal of the Baha’i Faith is the establishment of a completely Baha’i society which means a Baha’i State or a theocracy where religion and politics, or church and state are not separate. The Universal House of Justice will be the governing body of the world or of those states which become Baha’i. This goal is not incidental, but is central to the teachings of the Faith« (J. Simmonds, in: S. McGlinn, Church and State in the Word Order of Baha’u’llah.) – Ibidem es anque citate D. McEoin, un eminente experto del Bahā’ismo: »The Baha’is are actively working to establish religious states in which the functions of government will be taken over by Baha’i institutions«. McGlinn commenta: »He [McEoin] asserts that the Baha’i Faith has a long-term aim of establishing theocratic rule in Iran and throughout the world« (op.cit., Note 5). E Bahā’u’llāh scribeva: »All matters of State schould be referred to the House of Justice« (Lawh-i ishrāqāt, cit. in: Kitáb-i-Aqdas, English edition, 1992, p. 91).
Vide: http://Bahai-library.com/file.php?file=mcglinn_church_state_order.html .
On debe annotar anque que le Bahā’ismo non es un creation del Bab (i.e. Alī Muhammad al Bāb), qui fundava le movimento del Babismo in 1844 e del qual proveniva le Baha’ismo, fundate in 1866 de Bahā’u’llāh, post que le movimento bābiste se divideva a causa de querelas interne in duo fractiones.
Vide etiam: Francesco Ficicchia: Bahā’ī – Einheitreligion und globale Theokratie. Ein kritischer Einblick in die Universalreligion der Zukunft. – Monsenstein & Vannerdat, Münster/Germania 2009. ISBN 978-3-86582-806-4 – http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/386582806X?*Version*=1&*entries*=0 – Geronimo46 14:15, 29. Sep 2014 (CEST) --
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