Lev Nikolaevič Tolstoj [ 1] vel Leo n Tolsto i [ 2] (in russo : Лев Николáевич Толстóй, [lʲɛf nʲɪkɐˈlaɪvʲɪtɕ tɐlˈstoj] ; in latino : Leo Nicolai Tolstoj [ 3] ; le 9 de septembre 1828 [ 4] – le 20 de novembre 1910 [ 5] ) esseva un autor e pensator ethic e religiose. Ille esseva un del plus grande prosaistas mundial in le stilo del realismo . Inter su operas le plus famose son le romances "Guerra e Pace " re le vita del societate russe durante le Guerras napoleonic , e "Anna Karenina ", ambes considerate como classicos del litteratura russe.
Lev Nikolaevič Tolstoj
Pronunciation del nomine
mascule Nascentia
1828-08-28, 1828-09-09 (Yasnaya Polyana) Decesso
1910-11-07, 1910-11-10, 1910-11-20 (Astapovo) Causa de decesso
pneumonia [*] Loco de reposo
Yasnaya Polyana [*] Citatania
Imperio Russe , Russia Educate in
Kazan Imperial University [*] Occupation
scriptor , dramaturgo , philosopho [*] , romancero [*] , pedagogo [*] , essayista [*] , children's writer [*] , diarista [*] , prosaista [*] , opinion journalist [*] , esperantista , Pacifista , poeta [*] , scriptor de contos [*] Obras notabile
Guerra e Pace [*] , Anna Karenina [*] , A Confession [*] , The Kingdom of God Is Within You [*] , What Is Art? [*] , Boyhood [*] , Childhood [*] , Hadji Murat [*] , The Kreutzer Sonata [*] , Resurrection [*] , The Snowstorm [*] , Where Love Is, God Is [*] , Youth [*] , Father Sergius [*] , Sebastopol Sketches [*] , The Fruits of Enlightenment [*] , What is my faith [*] , The Devil [*] Religion
Eastern Orthodoxy [*] , Tolstoyan movement [*] , Christianismo Conjuge
Sophia Tolstaya [*] Infantes
Sergey Tolstoy [*] , Tatyana Sukhotina-Tolstaya [*] , Ilya Tolstoy [*] , Lev Lvovich Tolstoy [*] , Maria L'vovna Tolstaya [*] , Andrey Tolstoy [*] , Mikhail Tolstoy [*] , Alexandra Tolstaya [*] Parentes
matre Mariya Volkonskaya [*] patre Nikolay Tolstoy [*] Fratres/sorores
Mariya Tolstaya [*] , Nikolay Tolstoy [*] Premios
Order of Saint Anna, 4th class [*] , Medal For defence of Sebastopol [*] , Medal In memory of Crimean War [*] , Medal In memory of 50th anniversary of defence of Sevastopol [*] Lingua
russo , francese , anglese Signatura
https://tolstoy.ru/ Identificatores ISNI
0000000122424494 VIAF
96987389 IMDB
nm0866243 Commons
Leo Tolstoy
Leon Tolstoi nasceva in un familia aristocratic de contes e esseva un officiero artillero in su juventute. Post haber participate in le Guerra de Crimea , ille scribeva "Le Contos de Sevastopol " in 1855. In su vetere annos, jam autor cognitissime, Leon Tolstoi se interessava a recercas moral e religiose, que le poneva in opposition al ecclesia russe official.
↑ Alie orthographias presenta le jotisation: Nikolajevič o Nikolaievitch .
Derivation (in ordine alphabetic):
(ca ) Lev Tolstoi ||
(de) Lew Nikolajewitsch Tolstoi ||
(en) Leo Tolstoy ||
(es) León Tolstói ||
(fr) Léon Tolstoï ||
(it) Lev Tolstoj ||
(pt) Liev Tolstói ||
(ro ) Lev Tolstoi
|| (ru) Толстой, Лев Николаевич
↑ In Russia on usa le patronymico. Nicolai (filius) es al caso genitive, e significa litteralmente: (filio) de Nicola .
↑ le 28 de augusto del calendario julian
↑ le 7 de novembre del calendario julian