Michael Andreas Helmut Ende (12 de novembre 1929 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen — 28 de augusto 1995 in Stuttgart) esseva un scriptor german, famose pro Momo (1973) e Die unendliche Geschichte (Le historia infinite, 1979).

Michael Ende
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1929-11-12 (Garmisch-Partenkirchen)
Decesso 1995-08-28 (Filderstadt)
Causa de decesso cancere del stomacho[*]
Loco de reposo Munich Waldfriedhof[*]
Ethnicitate germanos[*]
Citatania Germania
Occupation scriptor, children's writer[*], scenarista[*], scriptor de scientia-fiction[*], scriptor de contos[*], fantasy author[*]
Obras notabile The Neverending Story[*], Momo[*], Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver[*], The Night of Wishes[*], Jim Button and the Wild 13[*], Mirror in the Mirror: A Labyrinth[*]
Conjuge Mariko Satōjn[*], Ingeborg Hoffmann[*]
Parentes patre Edgar Ende[*]
Premios Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany[*], Zilveren Griffel[*], Großer Preis der Deutschen Akademie für Kinder- und Jugendliteratur e.V. Volkach[*], Bayerischer Poetentaler[*], Pipe Smoker of the Year[*], Pier Paolo Vergerio European Prize for Children's Literature[*], Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis[*], Hugo-Jacobi-Preis[*]
Lingua germano
Sito https://michaelende.de/de
ISNI 0000000081129551
VIAF 34456245
IMDB nm0256779
Commons Michael Ende