Usator:Jondel/Immanuel Kant

Immanuel Kant Immanuel Kant (April 22, 1724 - February 12, 1804) Kant was a German philosopher. He was born in Königsberg, Prussia, and also died there. Kant studied philosophy in the university there, and later became a professor of philosophy.

Kant era philosofo germano, nascive in Königsberg, prussia, e equalmente esseva morite illac. Kant studiava phylosofia in le universitate illac, e plus deviniva adelante un profesor del phylosofía.

Today the town Königsberg belongs to Russia, and is renamed Kaliningrad, but in his time it was the second largest city in the kingdom of Prussia. Kant was born to a family of Lutherans and went to a Lutheran-run school. In 1740 he entered Königsberg university and studied the philosophy of Gottfried Leibniz and his follower Christian Wolff. Kant was especially interested in the new physics theory of Isaac Newton. In 1770 he became a full professor of philosophy in Königsberg university.

Le civitate Königsberg pertenece hodie ad Russia, e se retitula Kaliningrad, mais in su tempo era le secundo civitate plus grande del regino del prussia. Kant esseva de un familia lutheranos e esseva studiante de un schola Lutheran. In 1740 ille intrava in le universitate de Königsberg e studiva le phylosofia de Gottfried Leibniz e su sequitor Christian Wolff. Kant esseva specialmente interessate in le nova theoria del physica de Isaac Newton. In 1770 ille devinive professor del philosofia in le universitate de Königsberg.

Young Kant was interested in physics, both of heavenly bodies and the earth. He wrote some papers about this, but his concern for metaphysics grew. He was eager to learn the nature of our experience: how we human beings could know something, and what our knowledge was based on.

Kant juvene esseva interessate in le physica, de corpore divinos e del terra. Ille scripteva alcunos papeles super iste, mais su preoccupation por metaphysica cresceva. Ille era impaciente studiar le naturaleza de nostre experientia: como le seres humanos pote nos saper alcuno, e nostre cognoscimente esseva bassate de que.

Under the strong influence of the philosophical system of Leibniz and Wolff, Kant began to doubt the basic answers of past philosophers. Then Kant met an English philosopher, David Hume. Hume had tried to make clear what our experience had been, and had reached a very strong opinion called "skepticism", that there was nothing to make our experience sure. Kant was very shocked by Hume, and saw the theory he had learned in a new point of view, then he began to try finding a third way other than the two that Kant called "skepticism" and "dogmaticism".

Bajo influencia fuerte del sistema filosófico de Leibniz y de Wolff, Kant comenzó a dudar las respuestas básicas de últimos filósofos. Entonces Kant satisfizo a filósofo inglés, David Hume. Hume había intentado hacer claramente cuál había sido nuestra experiencia, y había alcanzado una opinión muy fuerte llamada "escepticismo", que no había nada hacer nuestra experiencia segura. Kant muy fue dado una sacudida eléctrica por Hume, y vio la teoría que él había aprendido en un nuevo punto de vista, después él comenzó a intentar encontrar una tercera manera con excepción de los dos que Kant llamó "escepticismo" y "dogmaticism".

Infra influentia forte del systema philosofico de Leibniz e de Wolff, Kant comenciva a dubitar le respuestas bassicas de últimos philósofos. Igitur Kant satisfizo a philósofo angles, David Hume. Hume haceva intentate hacer claramente cuál había essite nostre experientia, e había alcanzado una opinión multo forte appellate "escepticismo", que no había nada hacer nuestra experiencia segura. Kant muy esseva date una sacudida eléctrica por Hume, y vio la teoría que él había studiate in un novo puncto de vista, post ille comenciva a intentar encontrar una tercera manera con excepción de los dos que Kant llamó "scepticismo" e "dogmaticism".

The most known work of Kant is the book Critique of the pure reason (Kritik der reinen Vernunft) that Kant published in 1781. Kant called his way of thought "critique", not philosophy. Kant said that critique was a preparation for establishment of real philosophy. According to Kant, for that establishment, people should know what human reason can do and which limits it has. In Critique of the pure reason Kant wrote several limits of human reason, to both feeling and thinking something. For sensation, there are two limits inside of human reason: space and time. There are no physical objects, but the limitations of our mind that work whenever we feel something through our senses. For thinking, he said there are twelve categories or pure rational concepts, divided into four fields: quantity, quality, relation and modalation. Kant thought human reason applied those ideas to everything.

El trabajo sabido de Kant es la crítica del libro de la razón pura (el der de Kritik reinen Vernunft) ese Kant publicado en 1781. Kant llamó su manera del pensamiento "crítica", no filosofía. Kant dijo que la crítica era una preparación para el establecimiento de la filosofía verdadera. Según Kant, para ese establecimiento, la gente debe saber qué razón humana puede hacer y qué límites tiene. En la crítica de la razón pura Kant escribió varios límites de la razón humana, a la sensación y a pensar algo. Para la sensación, hay dos límites dentro de la razón humana: espacio y tiempo. No hay objetos de la comprobación, sino las limitaciones de nuestra mente que trabajan siempre que sintamos algo con nuestros sentidos. Para pensar, él dijo que hay doce categorías o conceptos racionales puros, dividida en cuatro campos: cantidad, calidad, relación y modalation. La razón humana pensada Kant aplicó esas ideas a todo.

Kant wrote two other books named Critique too: Critique of the practical reason(1788) and Critique of the Judgement(1790). In Critique of the practical reason Kant wrote about the problem of freedom and God. It was his main work of ethics. In Critique of the Judgement Kant wrote about beauty and teleology, or the problem if there was a purpose in general, if the world, a living creature had a reason to exist, and so on. In both books, Kant said we couldn't answer those problems, because they were concerned with "thing itself".

Kant escribió dos otros libros nombrados Critique también: Crítica de el reason(1788) práctico y crítica de el Judgement(1790). En la crítica de la razón práctica Kant escribió sobre el problema de la libertad y del dios. Era su trabajo principal del ética. En la crítica del juicio Kant escribió sobre belleza y teleology, o el problema si había un propósito en general, si el mundo, una criatura viva tenía una razón de existir, etcétera. En ambos libros, Kant dijo que no podríamos contestar a esos problemas, porque fueron referidos a la "cosa sí mismo".