Clomifeno[1] (neologismo amalgamante chlo(ro-a)mi(na)-pheno) es un nonsteroidal selective estrogeno receptor modulator (en) (SERM) del triphenylethyleno gruppo.

Enclomifeno stereoisomero.

Es commercialisate in forma de clomifeno citrato pro le:

Variantes modificar

Clomifeno es componite de duo stereoisomeros:

  • 38% de zuclomifeno (non commercialisate);
  • 62% de enclomifeno (forma purificate de mesmo indicationes).[2]

Modo de action modificar

Illo inhibi le retrocontrolo negative del estrogenos super hypothalamo, stimulante le secretion de gonadoliberina (GnRH) per hypothalamo, ergo de gonadotropina per adenohypophyse.[3]

Contraindicationes modificar

Contraindicationes include allergia al medication, graviditate, anterior hepatic problemas, anormal vaginal sanguinamentos inexplicate, ovarian cystes non causate per le polycystic ovarian syndroma, problemas ligate al glandulas adrenal o thyroide, e tumores hypophysari.[4]

Effectos indesirabile modificar

Le tractamento debe esser interrumpite in caso de alteration del vista. Existe un peligro raro ma serie de desordine visual irreversibile usque le cecitate.[5] Altere effectos indesirabile include phosphenos (en), scotomas scintillante[5], neurite optic, neuropathia ischemic optic, discollamento del retina...[6]

Referentias modificar

  1. Derivation: Entitates: 1. (it) Clomifene || 2. (es) Clomifeno || (pt) Clomifeno || 3. (fr) Clomifène || 4. (en) Clomifene || Controlo: (de) Clomifen || (ru) Кломифен || - (Extra): (la)
  2. Mikkelson TJ, Kroboth PD, Cameron WJ, Dittert LW, Chungi V, Manberg PJ (September 1986). "Single-dose pharmacokinetics of clomiphene citrate in normal volunteers". Fertility and Sterility 46 (3): 392–396. doi:10.1016/S0015-0282(16)49574-9. PMID 3091405. 
  3. (2009) WHO Model Formulary 2008. World Health Organization, 385–386. ISBN 9789241547659. 
  4. Clomiphene citrate tablets label. FDA.
  5. 5,0 5,1 Clomid 50 mg, comprimé : risque de troubles visuels graves (cécité) (francese). ANSM.
  6. Pris par 47 000 femmes en France, ce médicament expose à un risque de cécité (francese). Journal des femmes.