Theodor Herzl Gaster (21 de julio 1906 - 2 de februario 1992) era un professor de religion a Barnard College de Columbia University, cognoscite como un erudito de judaismo, religion comparative, mythologia antique, e folklore. Su libros include le examination del origines mythologic de drama Thespis: Ritual, Myth, and Drama in the Ancient Near East (1950) e The Dead Sea Scriptures, un traduction del Rolos del Mar Morte. Su patre era Rabbi Moses Gaster.

Theodor Gaster
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1906-07-21 (London)
Decesso 1992-02-02 (Philadelphia)
Citatania Statos Unite de America
Educate in University of London[*], Columbia University
Occupation archeologo[*], assyriologist[*]
Parentes patre Moses Gaster[*]
Premios Guggenheim Fellowship[*]
Lingua anglese
ISNI 0000000109211195
VIAF 85164620